The long nights are starting to get shorter, and the sun is breaking through the clouds. Spring is almost upon us and we start to enter the very beginning of a new wedding season. Spring brings us an array of delicate and colourful flowers and here are a few good ones to use in your bouquet! Especially if you plan on having your bouquet preserved..
Hellebores, also known as the Christmas rose, bloom right at the end of winter and are a sign spring is creeping up on us, they come in many colours including gorgeous moody purples, pinks and greens which add a gorgeous pop of colour.
Anemones are a stunning poppy like flower, with a black head center, they pair beautifully with a range of wildflowers and also preserve very well! They come in this lovely snow white but also shades of blue, red and pink.
Tulips are truly a staple for any spring bouquet! And the good news is that they preserve incredibly well, whether that's being dried for resin or being pressed for a frame, they just look stunning. I predict that parrot tulips are going to be all the rage in 2023! And just by looking at them you can see why.
Ranunculus are a gorgeous spring alternative to the more classically chosen roses. When being preserved they are the perfect height for coasters and dry beautifully in silica to retain their shape. When being pressed, they do need to be taken apart and then reconstructed otherwise they look like a coloured splodge, but with time and effort they're also an elegant addition to a pressed frame!
Below we've also listed some gorgeous filler flowers that bloom in spring to add some texture to your bouquet!
Sweet Peas
Nigella Flowers