So right here in the UK we're under current weather warnings for extreme heat. Temperatures are soaring up to 40 degrees Celsius and whilst most people are grabbing buckets and spades and heading to the beach, your resin artist is silently crying in a corner...
Why? Resin doesn't like the heat! When resin is in its natural state it is usually in a 2 part liquid form. When the two parts are mixed they create a chemical reaction, which gives off a heat source enabling the epoxy to harden into a glass like state. As a floral artist, I use a slow curing resin, which means the curing process from a liquid is usually around 24-72 hours. Meaning the epoxy heats slowly not burning your flowers when they are being encased in the resin. Adding additional heat to this process for example on a hot day can cause this reaction to happen at an accelerated rate, meaning the resin will heat up too hot too quick and may burn your flowers. We call this a flash cure and is your preservation artists worse nightmare!
I have spent a few years now perfecting the correct process, ensuring layers are poured at the right time and I have really got to know my resin brand. For this reason, I do not cast if the temperature is above 21 degrees, as I would never forgive myself if I ruined your precious flowers! I have a temperature controlled resin room but sometimes the elements win! Your order may be delayed but you can breathe knowing the risks are minimized and the wait will always be worth it :)